Student Services
The goal of our department is to work with students, parents, families, staff and community members to provide the needed supports necessary to be college and career ready upon graduation. Our department provides resources and supports in the schools in the areas of attendance, behavior, physical health, mental health, guidance, and special education. We have a nurse, school psychologists, special education staff, and counselors available to provide services that are designed to enhance student success.
Special Education

English Language Learners (ELL)
The Oostburg School District provides services for English Learners who have varying levels of English proficiency (Levels 1-6). Services are individualized and may include in-classroom support, modifications, accommodations, pre-teaching, and pull-out support as needed. English Learners are assessed one time per year with the ACCESS test to determine progress with English proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Bilingual school personnel are available to speak with or translate for parents. Parental notices such as conference schedules, progress reports, and report cards are also translated.
Social Work Services
School Social Workers are trained mental health professionals with a degree in social work who provide services related to a person's social, emotional, and life adjustment to school and/or society. School Social Workers are the link between the home, school and community in providing direct as well as indirect services to students, families and school personnel to promote and support students' academic and social success (from the School Social Worker Association of America).
The role of the school social worker in the Oostburg School District is to provide services to JK-12 students as a member of the Student Services Team. Our school social worker works with students and families to eliminate social, economic, and environmental barriers that may interfere with a student’s ability to receive the full benefit from their education. Areas of focus include mental health, attendance, and social-emotional functioning.
The counseling department consists of three counselors who work collaboratively to provide continuous services for students from junior kindergarten through 12th grade. Their overall goal is to prepare students for their future. They do this through developing the social, emotional, and academic skills needed to be successful in any post-secondary institution or workplace.
Our counselors have developed and implemented a curriculum that focuses on a progression of skills. Starting in kindergarten, our elementary counselor, Mrs. Holzer (“Coach”), provides weekly lessons to students on topics such as learning strategies, problem solving, navigating relationships, respecting differences, health and safety, self-regulation, and growth mindset. She also provides short-term individual and small group counseling in order to enhance students’ learning experiences and relationships with peers.
Beginning in 5th grade, our middle school counselor, Mrs. Lauritsen, continues the process of teaching students the skills learned in elementary school while also starting to focus more on college and career options. Students are introduced to Xello in 6th grade and it continues on through their 12th grade year. The Xello software lays out multiple steps for students to complete such as journaling, online career assessments, researching colleges/careers, shadowing specific job opportunities, and potentially interning at job placements.
Finally, our high school counselor, Mrs. Stielow, works with students in preparing them for the final steps towards life outside of high school. Students continue to research and explore different careers as well as post-secondary options such as four-year colleges, technical schools, workforce opportunities, and the armed services. It is our desire for students to graduate from Oostburg High School ready to meet the challenges and needs of the world around them in whatever profession they choose to enter.

High School Counselor

Middle School Counselor

Elementary School Counselor
School Psychologist
School psychologists are members of school teams that support students’ ability to learn and teachers’ ability to teach. They apply expertise in mental health, learning, and behavior, to help children and youth succeed academically, socially, behaviorally, and emotionally. School psychologists partner with families, teachers, school administrators, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments that strengthen connections between home, school, and the community. (from
The role of the school psychologist for the Oostburg School District is to conduct all assessments and evaluations relating to students who are referred for a special education impairment as well as the interpretation of the assessments to parents, teachers, and students. Our school psychologist also meets with teachers and parents to provide consultation in the areas of academic, behavioral, and social-emotional functioning. The school psychologist works in a cooperative relationship with teachers in order to collaborate around the problem-solving process of identifying the problem, developing specific goals, brainstorming interventions, and creating a plan to help students become more successful.

School Psychologist
Topics of interest to families:
Back to School
Crisis and Safety
Health and Wellness
Helping Children Cope
Mental Health