ROV is a robotics club with a mission of building skills in business, engineering, problem solving, teamwork. Students organize themselves into a business and design, engineer, build and compete with their underwater robot. Additionally, students write a technical report, give an oral presentation to a panel of judges and publish a poster display. This club meets from November – April, and try-outs take place in Fall.

Underwater Robotics (ROV)

Jazz Band
Students will explore the many styles of jazz music and its history through an ensemble method book and literature. They also learn the basics of jazz improvisation.

Service Cord (HS)
Oostburg High School students have the opportunity to earn a Graduation Honor Service Cord for completing a minimum of 160 hours of community service by the end of the third quarter of their senior year. Students who are interested in pursuing this achievement are required to document their hours using the online form which can be accessed below. Students are also required to complete a hard copy form which is located below and in the guidance office. Submission of these forms must be done on a semester basis in order to promote responsibility and ensure accuracy of hours. Students must start their senior year with a total of 100 hours. The Service Club is the best avenue for students to learn about and sign up for service opportunities. (Click here for more information about our Service Club.) Please contact Mr. Cole for more information about the Service Cord.

Project G.R.I.L.L (HS)
Project G.R.I.L.L. allows you to explore a career in manufacturing through 30 weeks of hands-on real world learning and implementation. You will experience the full range of production from design, project management, and fabrication to finishing, assembly, testing, quality control, and marketing.
Click here to view the student-produced Project G.R.I.L.L. promotional video.

Supermileage Vehicle (HS)
Supermileage is a student activity that provides various educational venues in and outside the classroom. With a focus on Energy Conservation – Supermileage brings the Engineering and Manufacturing worlds together. Students design, fabricate and test a small one-person vehicle with a focus of High Mileage during various challenge events around Wisconsin (and the U.S. if desired). An average MPG attained by newer teams is 100-200 mpg, where veteran teams may achieve 500+ mpg.

Electrathon Vehicle Club (HS)
Electrathon is a student activity that provides various educational venues in and outside the classroom. With a focus on Energy Conservation, Electrathon brings the Engineering and Manufacturing worlds together. Students design, fabricate and test a small one-person vehicle with a focus of Energy Efficiency during various challenge events around Wisconsin (and the U.S. if desired). An average distance traveled over 1 hour on one battery charge by newer teams is 20 miles, where veteran teams may achieve 25-30 miles.

Geography Bee (6-8)
National Geographic Geography Bee is held annually at OMS. Seven rounds of competition to decide 9 finalists that leads to 1 final Geography Bee Champ. This event takes place in the Spring semester. All OMS students are eligible.

Student Council (6-12)
Student Council is a way for students to become involved in making their school a better place. Student Council members are expected to be role models for other students, responsible for reaching out to community members, and maintaining grades / homework. The group is comprised of Student Council Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary) and grade-level representatives.

National Honor Society (HS)
The purpose of this organization shall be to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of secondary schools. Membership in local chapters is an honor bestowed upon a student. Selection for membership is by a Faculty Council and is based on outstanding Scholarship, Character, Leadership, and Service. At Oostburg High School, we believe selection to N.H.S. is the highest honor of recognition we have to offer. This honor recognizes the “whole person”, not just the student component.

Service Club (HS)
Service Club is a student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership within their school and surrounding communities. Anyone can join the club at the start of the school year. Students need to attend the intro/sign-up meetings and make their commitment by October. Contact Mrs. Antes for information.

NASP Archery
The National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) is an international non-profit educational foundation established to teach archery as part of the in-school curriculum in grades 4-12. NASP is highly standardized to be safe, durable, economical and most importantly, universal fit for almost every student. This club is offered January to April, with potential competitions extending in to May and June. Please contact Oostburg Archery for more information.

Youth Apprenticeship (HS)
Wisconsin’s Youth Apprenticeship program is a part of a statewide School-to-Work initiative. It is designed for high school students who want hands-on learning in an occupational area at a worksite along with classroom instruction. It’s a perfect combination of academic and technical, on-the-job training.

VEX Robotics (HS)
The VEX Robotics Design System offers students an exciting platform for learning about areas rich with career opportunities spanning science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). These are just a few of the many fields students can explore by creating with VEX Robotics technology. Beyond science and engineering principles, a VEX Robotics project encourages teamwork, leadership and problem solving among groups. It also allows educators to easily customize projects to meet the level of students’ abilities. The affordable VEX platform is expanding rapidly and is now found in middle schools, high schools and university labs around the globe. Robotics hobbyists also appreciate the advanced capabilities of the VEX System.

Formula High School (HS)
The Wisconsin Formula High School project was created to allow students who are interested in motorsports, engineering, and technology areas a realistic outlet to showcase their skills and talents. Students who are involved in athletic competitions have regular meets or games in which they compete to see how their abilities compare with other schools. Students involved in Formula High School will now have the opportunity to compete against other schools in a controlled racing time-trial event. Each team is responsible for constructing a vehicle to a strict set of guidelines. These guidelines help the students construct a safe vehicle that closely resembles the current SCCA Formula First race vehicle. Although the competition vehicles may appear cosmetically similar, the differences in the drivetrains, alignment, and steering geometry make for spirited competition. Despite the Formula High School event being held at a prominent motorsports facility, the focus of the project is to help the students develop the engineering and technical skills that are vital to our nation’s manufacturers.